Human Resources

Employee Dress Code
The personal appearance of employees contributes significantly toward a favorable public impression of the District. All employees are expected to dress in a manner appropriate to their position and work responsibilities. Employees should serve as role models, exemplifying high standards of professional appearance to instill community values and proper grooming and hygiene. Employee dress should be clean, neat, and appropriate to the particular day’s expected job or work activity.
Clothing that is sloppy, too tight, ill fitting, provocative or revealing, or likely to be distracting is not professional or appropriate. Jewelry or accessories that create a hazard or are distracting are not appropriate. Tattoos, body art, or piercings that are distracting, lewd, provocative, or depict unlawful actions or products, incite violence or lawlessness are inappropriate and must be covered or removed at work. Rubber flip-flops or house slippers are not appropriate footwear.
Principals or other immediate supervisors will provide staff with any guidelines for proper dress at individual campuses or other work locations. When wearing jeans and/or spirit wear, all employees are still expected to maintain a professional appearance. Each supervisor has the responsibility to counsel his or her employees and suggest a change in dress or personal hygiene habits, if appropriate.
Employees who report for work in inappropriate attire, or with inappropriate or distracting tattoos or piercings visible, will be asked to leave the work setting and return when appropriately attired. Repeated failure to demonstrate appropriate personal appearance will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
All district employees, substitute teachers and mentors/volunteers, must wear their official district issued identification badge in a visible location on any district property. District employees are not required to be scanned into the system by their driver’s licenses, but must still check in to the front office and present their district ID when visiting a campus or facility that is not their permanent assignment. A district employee who does not display an official district ID badge must produce a valid Texas driver's license or other official state photo identification card, and, unless the campus staff knows him or her, the employee’s employment must be verified through the Department of Human Resources. Any employee with a lost ID card or that is not in the employee’s possession will be required to wear a badge issued by the front office. The District reserves the right to require employee face coverings while at work.
Nursing Professional Dress and Grooming Guidelines
Nursing staff will follow the Terrell ISD Employee Dress and Grooming Guidelines as outlined in the TISD Employee Handbook with the following exceptions:
A nurse may wear “scrubs” as a uniform when working in the clinic.
If a nurse is wearing her “scrubs” or other nursing uniforms she/he will be allowed to wear athletic-type tennis shoes provided they are clean and well-kept.
TISD dress code will be followed when attire other than “scrubs” is worn. A “scrub jacket” or lab coat must be worn when any clothing other than “scrubs” (both top and bottom) is worn.