School Nutrition

Free and Reduced Lunch (Application REQUIRED EACH School Year)
Terrell ISD has been able to provide free breakfast and lunch for all students due to the district being a part of the Community Eligibility program. Because the district was a part of this program, no Terrell ISD student was required to fill out the "Free and Reduced Meal Application."
Now that the pandemic has passed, the district must begin requiring families to fill out the "Free and Reduced Meal Application" and qualify based on income in order for their child to receive a free or reduced lunch. Note: This does not apply to breakfast as all students will continue to receive a free breakfast.
To submit the online Free and Reduced price lunch application click here. You will need to login using your current username and password or create an account if you do not have a username or password.
Applications must be received prior to the start of school.
Questions? Contact Dianna Tidwell at