Human Resources

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my application is complete?
An online application must be submitted through our Frontline system accessible at Please be sure to answer all portions of the online application. You may upload your letter of introduction and a current resume.
When will I be interviewed?
Campus Administrators will review completed applications. The administrator exercises his or her discretion in determining which applicants to contact. We try to interview as many applicants as possible; however, not all applicants are interviewed. Interviews are centered on vacancies and need.
I already have an online application. How do I apply for new positions in the District?
You will need to apply for our current job postings through Frontline accessible at If you have already completed an application through Frontline, you can update your application at any time and submit a letter of interest for a new position.
I am having trouble with uploading documents, error messages, etc. How do I proceed?
Please submit a request for assistance through the Applicant Tracking system by clicking the link "Request Technical Help" at the bottom of the Terrell ISD Frontline welcome page.
I am a teacher applicant who just graduated, and though I have applied for a teaching certificate, I will not receive it for some weeks. Will my application be considered incomplete until you receive my teaching certificate?
No, your application for certification is online as well as your certificate and both can be viewed by our certification specialist.
I am out-of-state certified. What do I need to do to get Texas Certified?
You must first go to the TEA website and search for Educator Certification and follow the instructions.
I cannot submit my application because my documents will not upload. How do I proceed?
Applications may be submitted without uploading documents. However, failure to upload documents will delay the application process.
Do I need to mail in the official transcript(s) for the application process?
No, a copy of your transcript(s) is sufficient at this point.
*Once you've been offered a position with TISD, you will be required to submit a complete set of original official transcript(s).
Where do I send my official college transcript(s)?
Official college transcript(s) may be mailed to Human Resources at 700 N. Catherine St., Terrell, Texas 75160. All other application documents must be uploaded through the application system.
May I obtain a copy of the reference check completed by my reference?
The completed reference check forms are confidential and for district use only.