Health Services

Medication Guidelines and Forms
The only medication that cannot be given outside of the school day will be administered at school (i.e. mealtimes, physician-designated time, four times a day or greater.) All medication taken at school must be prescribed by a doctor or dentist licensed to practice in the State of Texas. School nurses must also have a signed parent request.
All medication must be in the original container and properly labeled with:
Student’s name
Name of medication
Dosage and times to be taken
Doctors order
All medications must be deposited with the school nurse or in the school office. It is
recommended that only a 30-day supply be brought to school.
It is strongly suggested that a parent deliver the medication to the clinic and remain to count the medication amount with school personnel.
Over-the-counter medications (i.e. Advil or cough drops) will not be administered at
school unless there is:
A signed parent request
Medication must be brought by a parent and/or guardian
Students may carry and self-administer emergency rescue medication while at school or school functions with permission from parents, physicians, and the school nurse.
We would like to make you aware of the school policy for administering medications in the school setting. Our district requires a written doctor’s order for school nurses/staff to administer prescription medications and treatments. Prescription medications must be in the correct container with the student’s information and dosage legible. Only doses that need to be administered during school hours will be given (3 times a day doses, or specific time medication). To administer over-the-counter medications (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc…) the OTC form must be completed by a parent or guardian. The school does not supply medication. This is to be provided by the parent or guardian. All medications will need to be picked up by a parent or guardian at the end of the year. Forms are available online or in the nurse’s clinic.
Reminder: Parents will need to renew orders at the start of each school year. Or when there is a change in medication or treatment. This is the parent's responsibility to insure the district has up-to-date paperwork. Treatments and/or medication administration will not be provided without an order from the student's doctor.