
Remind Text Services
Receive important text message reminders, announcements and updates directly from your student's teacher(s) and campuses.
Log in or create an account HERE.
Getting started with your Parent account
Getting started with your Teacher account
Remind Hub Video Tutorials
How to opt out of Remind text messages.
Click here to find answers to the most common questions about Remind, or submit a ticket to get in touch with customer service.
Class Alerts
To receive text alerts from your child's classroom teacher(s), all you need to do is make sure your contact information in Parent Portal is up to date. Our Remind system automatically syncs up the data from Parent Portal each night. Based on your student's class schedule, you will be automatically joined to the classes your student is enrolled in. If you are not receiving messages from your child's class, ask the teacher for the class code to join manually.
For student organizations such as sports or clubs, the coach or sponsor will provide you with a class code to join the class for that organization.
Campus Alerts
If you are subscribed to any Remind class at Terrell ISD, you should also be receiving alerts from the campus of that class, as well as any district-level alerts. However, if you are not receiving these alerts, see the codes below to join manually.
W.H. Burnett Early Childhood Center-
Text the code @whburnett to 81010
Gilbert Willie Sr. Elementary-
Text the code @gwelem to 81010
Dr. Bruce Wood Elementary-
Text the code @drbrucew to 81010
J. W. Long Elementary-
Text the code @jwlongelem to 81010
Global Leadership Academy-
Text the code @tisdglobal to 81010
Herman Furlough, Jr. Elementary-
Text the code @furloughms to 81010
Terrell High School-
Text the code @terrellhs to 81010