
How to Become a Volunteer
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Terrell ISD as a campus volunteer, mentor, or as an ExCEL coach, referee, fitness member, or volunteer.
Volunteer Requirements
You must be at least 18 years old before the first day of school or have already earned a high school diploma or GED
You must complete the volunteer application (click link below)
After district approval each year, you must secure a TISD Volunteer Badge
You must resubmit your background application packet at the beginning of each school year beginning August 1
How to Apply
All Terrell ISD Volunteers must complete the online volunteer application. All personal data submitted by applicants is confidential and upon application approval, you will be contacted by phone or email.
All approved Terrell ISD Volunteer applicants, must wear a Volunteer ID Badge while at any District facility. Volunteer badges may be picked up at the Terrell ISD Administration Building located at 700 N. Catherine Street. For assistance with your application, please visit the facility where you wish to volunteer.
Log Your Volunteer Hours - We Want to Recognize You!
Whether you are a parent, community or business member we want you to log your volunteer hours! This helps us calculate how many hours our volunteers have given to the school district AND more importantly we want to recognize you!
Volunteers who volunteer 100 or more hours each year will be recognized for the first time at the inaugural Partners in Education luncheon on Thursday, April 24, 2025 from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM at the Terrell ExCEL center. More information will be coming soon on this new event!
There are TWO ways to log your volunteer hours. You can log them electronically (see link below) or you can download the Volunteer Hours Form and log your hours on paper (see link below). If you choose to log your hours on paper, please submit the form to Dwight Malone, Director of Family & Community Engagement at at the end of each month.
Volunteer Opportunities
Dudes at the Door is designed to provide the men of the Terrell community with the opportunity to show their commitment to seeing our students succeed. Once a month, dads, grandpas, step dads, uncles, and father figures, are invited to line the sidewalk entrance of Furlough Middle School and Terrell High School to greet students before school. For just 40 minutes, once per month, (7:00 AM - 7:40 PM) you can make the difference in the life of a student by providing an encouraging word, a fist bump or a high five as students enter the building and start their school day.
If you are interested in participating in Dudes at the Door, we invite you to fill out and submit this survey below and indicate the date(s) you are interested in serving. Once we receive your information, Dwight Malone, Director of Family & Community Engagement will contact you and give you detailed information on what to expect, where to go when you arrive, where to park, etc. His email address is
Grands on the Go is a new Terrell ISD initiative that will begin in August 2024. Designed to connect members of the community ages 55 years and older with Terrell ISD elementary students, Grands will serve as classroom helpers once a week on Tuesdays from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM and would be assigned to classrooms in kindergarten, first and second grades.
For the first year, the Grands on the Go program will be piloted at Gilbert Willie Elementary School with plans to expand to all elementary schools by 2025. We need MeMe’s, Paw Paws, Grandmas, Grandpa's Abuela's, Granny’s, GiGi’s, Nana's, Glammas, MaMaws and NiNi’s to serve as a Grand on the Go. Because let's face it, sometimes all a child needs is a hug from Grandma to make it all better!
If you have the time, energy and ability to serve EVERY Tuesday for three hours from 8:30 - 11:30 AM please submit your application by filling out the form below. We are looking for Grands who can commit to a consistent schedule in order to build connections with our students.
Applicants must also submit and pass a background check prior to being selected. Grands who are selected must also attend a mandatory orientation where they will meet their assigned teacher
For questions, please contact Dwight Malone, Director of Family & Community Engagement at
Assist with special events/activities
Read aloud or listen to students read
Special Olympics volunteer
Mentor a student
Career Day – Guest Speaker
Supervise during lunch
Clerical Assistant
Supervise outdoor activities
Field Day volunteer
Maintain the campus marquee
Field Trip volunteer
Update bulletin boards/displays
Landscaping – Plant or maintain a flower garden
Library assistant
Prepare Art Supplies
PTO Officer/ Committee Member
ExCEL Volunteer
ExCEL Coach