About W. H. Burnett

Student daily attendance
Students have to be here each and every day! Without them present, we lose an opportunity to build upon their skills. The only time they are not to come to school is if they have had a fever within 24 hours.
Checking your child’s school folder daily
This is a vital communication tool. In their folders, you will have notes from the teacher and/or campus regarding the day’s activities, upcoming events, and your child’s progress. There will also be learning supports provided for you to practice with your child in the evenings so they can show off their new learning to you!
Communication with teacher
Communication from school to home and home to school is vital as we partner together. If you have praise or concerns, please reach out to your child’s teacher first. They are the first partner in assisting in meeting your child’s needs. They can then connect you with other campus personnel that is able to join the community of support.