Fine Arts

We believe participation in Visual and Performing Arts should continue through formal education and beyond, provide the student the opportunity to experience and explore creative self-expression, provide a viable, systematic curriculum to allow every child to experience a true and lasting love of the Arts, promote enjoyment, involvement, and support of the Arts in the community, provide the required fundamental skills and nurture the creative passion in students seeking to pursue careers in the Arts.​

Fine Arts programs are offered on both the elementary and secondary levels. Terrell ISD's current Fine Arts programs include Terrell High School and Furlough Middle School Band, Choir, Terrell High School and Furlough Middle School Theatre, All-City Choir, Visual Arts, Colorguard, and Dance.

Amanda Guthrie
Fine Arts Coordiantor
972.563.4430 ext. 17266

Tanya Esquivel 
Assistant to Fine Arts Director
972.563.4430 ext. 17403

Fine Arts Department